
Does the person you like like you back?

Hahah jag vet inte :'(

How are you and the last boy you kissed?

Mehehe. (oklart svar)

What makes you more pissy: cocky guys or cocky girls?

Säger som Sandra: Kaxiga brudar! Finns inget värre!

Do you have a friend that is a complete and total flirt around everyone?

Sandra Carlén? ;) morr!

Do you think your last ex deserves to die?

Haha, nej! Fast han var elak!

Would you be mad if your best friend dated the person you liked?

Men självklart!

When did you last cry, and what was the reason?

Någon dag sen, därför att kärlek är svårt

Have you made a mistake in the past week?

Nä-e ;)

What’s running through your mind right now?

Vad jag ska gå för högskola/university och min framtid. Stress!

Will you be in a relationship in 4 months?

Det vore mys

Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months?

Ja, har bara haft långa förhållanden

Do you think two people can last forever?

Ja :')

Are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you?

Jaa.. jag gillar inte när folk jag inte känner ska skämta om att jag är kort, eller mitt utseénde, där tar jag åt mig av allt. hehe.

When will you next see the person you like?

Jag vet inte, snart hoppas jag?

Who knows you the best?

Min syster, Fanny, Johanna, Louise, Gabbi, My, Rebecka, Filippa, Lisa, Tanja <3

When was the last time you pretended to be happy or tried to hide your emotions?

Oj, nån gång varje dag i alla fall

Have you ever kissed someone that was high?

Haha, nej inte vad jag vet

Anyone from your past ever come to mind often?


Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point and aren’t around much?

Ja, jag skulle vilja ha mer tid till mina fina vänner

When was the last time you completely broke down?

Någon månad sen

Is there a specific moment you can replay in your mind perfectly?

Ganska många

What are you currently listening to?

Ingenting mihi

Think back six months ago, were you single?


What do you carry with you at all times?

iphone, 8 hour cream, accesskort, kalender, plånbok

True love or 1 billion bucks?

True love!

Last person you told a secret to?


Is there someone that makes you happy every time you speak with them?

Alla mina vänner! <3

I bet you miss somebody right now don’t you?

Ja det gör jag mihi


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